Sunday, May 4, 2014

Guha Champs up!

Congratulations to Guha Swaminathan on Champing up in the Boys 14 category! Guha won all his matches in straight sets to clinch the title at the May Tyler ZAT. He has put in a lot of hard work and is reaping the results. We are confident that he will go on to perform exceptionally at the Champ level. Wishing him Good Tennis!

Coach CV

Congratulations Rishi Vas!

Congratulations to Rishi Vas who reached the finals of the Super Champ Major zone in Austin, TX from April 18 - 21, 2014. Rishi defeated the #1 seeded Varun Hari in semi finals in straight sets. He lost in the finals to Hunter Bajoit in a tense 3 set match (tie break in lieu of 3rd set). Rishi has once again proven that he is one of the best 14 year old tennis players in the state. Keep up the good work Rishi!

Coach CV